David Butler

waking up with headaches

Waking Up With Headaches? Avoid These 5 Bad Habits!

Headaches can be a persistent and debilitating problem that affect people of all ages and backgrounds. Whether you’re a busy professional, a dedicated parent, or someone who enjoys outdoor activities like camping and hiking, headaches can really impact your quality of life. In this blog, we’ll explore the emotional and physical toll of headaches and …

Waking Up With Headaches? Avoid These 5 Bad Habits! Read More »

scoliosis self-care

Prioritize Scoliosis Self-Care This Scoliosis Awareness Month

Scoliosis is a condition characterized by an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. While the spine does naturally curve, scoliosis involves an exaggerated side-to-side curve that can take the shape of an “S” or “C.” This condition affects approximately 2-3% of the population, translating to millions of individuals worldwide. Scoliosis can affect people of all …

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Understanding Scheuermann’s Kyphosis: A Mother’s Journey to Answers and Relief

“Sit up straight!” Janet found herself repeating these words more often than she liked. Watching her 14-year-old son, Lucas, hunched over his dinner plate night after night, she worried about his posture becoming a bad habit that could affect his health and confidence. Despite her constant reminders, Lucas’s slouch seemed to worsen, and no amount …

Understanding Scheuermann’s Kyphosis: A Mother’s Journey to Answers and Relief Read More »

Daily Posture Exercises to Improve Balance and Flexibility

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, where many hours are spent hunched over screens or caught in the grind of daily commutes, the importance of maintaining good posture cannot be overstated. Poor posture not only affects your physical appearance; it also has profound implications on your overall health, including balance and flexibility. At …

Daily Posture Exercises to Improve Balance and Flexibility Read More »

Back Pain in Kids and Teens: A Growing Concern with Hopeful Solutions

Imagine this: Sarah, a vibrant 13-year-old who loves volleyball, starts complaining about back pain during her classes. Initially, her parents thought it was just a result of her active lifestyle or perhaps she was carrying too many books in her backpack. However, the pain persisted, becoming a constant presence that hindered her focus in school …

Back Pain in Kids and Teens: A Growing Concern with Hopeful Solutions Read More »

Navigating the Maze of Scoliosis Treatment: Separating Fact from Fiction

In today’s digital age, it’s increasingly common to turn to platforms like YouTube for health advice and treatment options for various conditions, including scoliosis and kyphosis. However, as you browse through countless videos claiming to “fix” scoliosis, the experience can become more than just overwhelming—it can be downright frustrating. The internet is full of misinformation …

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Navigating Scoliosis: Expert Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions

Living with scoliosis can often feel like navigating through a maze of misinformation and uncertainty. To help shed light on some of the most common concerns and queries, I, David Butler, alongside the dedicated team at Align Therapy, have compiled a list of frequently asked questions regarding scoliosis. Our goal is to provide clear, evidence-based …

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Navigating the Frustration of Delayed Scoliosis Treatment and the Promise of PSSE

Scoliosis, a three-dimensional spinal deformity, presents a unique set of challenges, not only to the individuals it affects but also to the healthcare professionals responsible for their care. The traditional medical approach to adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), the most common form, has often been described as a “watch and wait” strategy. This approach, where action …

Navigating the Frustration of Delayed Scoliosis Treatment and the Promise of PSSE Read More »