Back Pain

Back Pain in Kids and Teens: A Growing Concern with Hopeful Solutions

Imagine this: Sarah, a vibrant 13-year-old who loves volleyball, starts complaining about back pain during her classes. Initially, her parents thought it was just a result of her active lifestyle or perhaps she was carrying too many books in her backpack. However, the pain persisted, becoming a constant presence that hindered her focus in school …

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Grandparents Carrying Kids On Their Back

Fix Daily Back Pain With Proven Tips For These 3 Common Activities

If you’re battling the relentless grip of chronic back pain on a daily basis, you probably feel like you’ve tried everything. Ice packs, heat treatments, and maybe even that massage gun that promised miracles but left you wanting more. You’ve had massages and maybe even seen a chiropractor, yet the relief seems fleeting, if at …

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Man With Chronic Back Pain When Sitting At His Desk

Stop Annoying Chronic Back Pain When Sitting With This Simple Change

In the quiet hum of an office or the hushed tones of a classroom, there exists a silent epidemic, a problem that plagues millions and is often accepted as a normal part of our daily lives. It means you can’t concentrate, have to rely on pills to mask the pain, and are unable to enjoy …

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Child With Bad Posture

2 Warning Signs Your Child Has More Than Just Bad Posture

Have you noticed your child slouching more than usual as they watch TV? Or have you heard them complaining about neck or back pain after going back to school? Children, especially teenagers, experience growing pains and usually, it’s normal. But sometimes it’s a warning sign of something more serious. Some of those more serious things …

2 Warning Signs Your Child Has More Than Just Bad Posture Read More »

what is kyphosis

Kyphosis In Adolescents – What You Need To Know

Have you or a loved one recently been diagnosed with Kyphosis, with little to no explanation about your diagnosis and what it means for your family? It’s perfectly normal to have questions like; What is kyphosis, can kyphosis be reversed, and the best ways to treat kyphosis? At Align Therapy, we appreciate how scary and …

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What Causes Scoliosis in Adolescents

Has your child recently been diagnosed with scoliosis and you didn’t get the answers you were looking for? At Align Therapy we have seen thousands of teenagers and even more parents come into our clinic with questions and concerns regarding scoliosis. That’s why we have created this blog to address the most common questions and …

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Scoliosis Exercises Performed By Scoliosis Specialist, David Butler

Scoliosis Exercises – Could These Be The Missing Key To Your Scoliosis Treatment?

At my Physical Therapy Clinic in Lehi, Utah, we have been seeing clients for scoliosis-specific exercise for the past 8 years and during that time, we have been trying to change the perception that nothing can be done for scoliosis. Sure, scoliosis has been “treated” for a long time in the United States. But proactively …

Scoliosis Exercises – Could These Be The Missing Key To Your Scoliosis Treatment? Read More »