Running Form


To Really Treat Runners, Form MUST Be Addressed!

A crucial piece of treating runners is to look at their form to see what the underlying problem is. Using video analysis and research backed assessment, we can provide valuable feedback.

The best way to get to the bottom of your running problems is to have a video analysis of your form. Click the button below to request yours!

Here are a few running form tips to get you started.

  • Cadence: A higher cadence has been shown to increase efficiency and decrease impact. Aim for around 170-180 steps per minute.To calculate your cadence, count how many times one of your feet hits the ground in 30 seconds, then multiply by 4.  Try to increase your cadence without increasing your speed.
  • Straight Posture: Tall posture, without leaning back or bending at the hips helps keep alignment and improves efficiency.Keep your chest tall and hips forward and keep your body nice and tall, like your mother used to tell you in high school.
  • Forward Lean: Leaning forward at the ankles while keeping the body straight brings your weight forward into your next step.Try not to bend forward at the hips, and keep your posture tall.  Imagine a line going from your heels, through your hips and shoulders, inclined forward slightly.
  • Midfoot strike: Landing as close as you can to underneath you with the foot flat decreases impact and improves loading.A soft heel contact, quickly transitioning to the midfoot is also safe, while limiting overstriding.

These 4 form tips should help to limit excessive force leading to injury.  There are many more aspects of running form that we assess in a running analysis, such as hip drop, knee flexion, and arm swing, which we have not covered here.

Using a high speed camera, we can dive deep into what is causing your specific problem, and increase running efficiency.  This can help you run FASTER and with LESS PAIN!

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“Align Therapy has been a very positive experience for me.  The staff is friendly and helps me to relax. I have seen improvements in my ability to walk further with less pain.  Standing in the kitchen and cooking is less stressful than before. I would highly recommend Align Therapy to anyone needing help in mobility!”

- Leah

“My daughter was diagnosed with scoliosis at age 7. I did my own research and found Align Therapy.  We made sure to complete the home exercises almost every day. Now her posture is noticeably better and her hips and shoulders are more balanced and even. We are very encouraged by her progress.”

- Annie

“Dave is amazing! I had a lot of back pain before limiting my activity, and now I have no pain at all!! Dave knows how to help each person individually.”

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