Introduction to The Scoliosis Experience Podcast

Episode 1: Introduction to The Scoliosis Experience Podcast

As I have seen scoliosis patients in my practice, I have learned many things.  One of the most important things I have learned is that all those with scoliosis need support.  The other thing is that nearly all those living with scoliosis can help support others.

I started The Scoliosis Experience Podcast as a way to help others get that support through sharing experiences.  Physicians, Physical Therapists, Orthotists, Patients, Parents, and anyone else associated with scoliosis treatment will be interviewed.

My hope is to improve your understanding of scoliosis and what it takes to get the best results possible, both physically and mentally.

  • Are you looking for answers about scoliosis?
  • Do you want to learn more about how to treat scoliosis?
  • Do you wonder what scoliosis surgery is like?
  • Are you curious what new treatments there are for spinal deformity?
  • Do you want to hear from others with scoliosis?

If you answered yes to any other the above, then this podcast is for you!

If you are in need of treatment for scoliosis, please don’t hesitate to email us at as well.

We are committed to helping you get the best treatment available with the most up to date


David Butler, Physical Therapist
Owner, Clinic Director
Align Therapy, Lehi Utah

Who We Help At Align Therapy

At Align Therapy, we understand that every single person’s problem is unique, which is why our first step is to get a deep understanding of what is happening to your body, and how it is effecting your life so we can create a plan that focuses on YOU and your goals.
Call to Schedule
(801) 980-0860
David Butler PT DPT

David Butler

Align Therapy

"We help people with scoliosis and spine problems avoid surgery, reduce pain, and improve posture even if you have been told to wait and see if it gets worse."
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