Earlier this summer, Align Therapy welcomed the addition of two newly certified staff members in the treatment of scoliosis and spinal deformities. Charlene Nordhoff and Janessa Brink completed their certification to treat scoliosis using the Schroth Method while in Denver, Colorado. David Butler, owner of Align Therapy, told us that “there are only 8 specialists with this level of training in the entire state of Utah, and 5 of them are here at Align Therapy.”
Charlene and Janessa now join David Butler and Korey Derocher (Physical Therapists), as the only providers of The Schroth Method for scoliosis in private practice along the Wasatch Front.
Utah-born founder, David Butler shared, “Since 2015, we’ve attracted people from all over the country, as far as Montana and even Indiana, for specialized scoliosis treatment at our clinic. This year we even had a patient travel from New York City to get treatment for his scoliosis.” David founded Align Therapy on the idea that spine related conditions improve faster and better with one-on-one treatment with a therapist specifically trained in proven methods.
“Having this specialty so close to home is a blessing for those who live in Utah and Salt Lake Counties. Before us, many people with scoliosis had to travel out of state for the best treatment, but with our teams’ expertise, this means that Utah locals aren’t spending hours driving or having to take flights to get the care they deserve.”
Charlene and Janessa have both worked for Align Therapy for multiple years and have seen many patients with back pain and other physical therapy related conditions. Charlene tells us “This training has confirmed my love for treating scoliosis and has made me even more confident that more can be done for these patients.”
Janessa mentions “When scoliosis patients receive Schroth therapy, they are given back some control over their treatment. When this is at Align Therapy, they also have additional support in their corner to get the best results possible.”
Now, with more providers of The Schroth Method, Align Therapy is prepared to help even more residents of Utah improve their back pain, scoliosis, and other spine related conditions. To learn more about the Schroth Method or to read more about Charlene and Janessa, visit www.aligntherapyutah.com.
If you would like more information about this topic, please call David Butler at 801-602-8803 or email david@aligntherapyutah.com.