Child/Teen Scoliosis
"Have you tried everything
to fix Child/Teen Scoliosis,
but feel let down?"
Don’t sacrifice the lifestyle you desire over problems that can be fixed. That’s why we made this just for you.
Are you overwhelmed by the diagnosis that your child has scoliosis?
Is the conflicting information about what is best for them leaving you stressed and confused?
Are You desperate to make the right choice to ensure a healthy, happy future for your child?
Did You Know...
Recent studies support the use of Scoliosis Specific Exercise. Check out more information on these research articles by clicking The Button Below:
At Align Therapy, we help people with scoliosis and spine problems avoid surgery, reduce pain, and improve posture even if you have been told to wait and see if it gets worse.
We focus on children and teens, just like your kid, who have scoliosis and we want them to experience the freedom and hope that can come from
physical therapy for scoliosis.
They don’t have to sacrifice the activities they love or keep struggling through symptoms by assuming that scoliosis is an untreatable problem. There are things they can do to prevent it from worsening in all stages of life.
Lots of people with scoliosis in Lehi and surrounding areas ask us the same questions…
- What caused my child to get scoliosis?
- What is the BEST course of treatment?
- How can I prevent a major surgery?
There is still more that can be done and we’re here to show you the way! They don’t just have to “live with it”. Most parents get stuck trying to make a decision about what to do next. We’re here to provide the answers for you and make sure your child gets the help they need.
We understand that you still might be skeptical or unsure if Scoliosis specific exercise is right for your child. That’s why we created a Free Consultation. (Yes! That means the first consultation is ON US!)
Our Free Consultations are meant specifically for those people who are skeptical, unsure, or have even been let down in the past. During the Free Consultation you’ll find out what’s wrong, how long it’s going to take to fix it, and give you peace of mind that your problem can be addressed naturally!
We develop a personalized plan that allows your child to…
…get back to their afterschool sports without their scoliosis getting in the way.
…take control of your scoliosis and halt progression to avoid surgery.
…be confident that scoliosis won’t rule their life.
…get back to hanging out with their friends without the worry of scoliosis holding them back.
Our best clients are those who are motivated and ready to win back their active lifestyle. (Even if they feel stuck right now!)
Have any questions and want to speak to a PT first before coming in?
Your child doesn’t have to sacrifice the life they want to live over problems that can be fixed.
David Butler, DPT, OCS
Owner and Founder of Align Therapy